The holidays are such a special time for our family, and also for our B&B guests! This week we had a wonderful family from Australia staying with us. They had asked if there was some holiday tradition that they could share with us during their stay, and we thought that making our annual Christmas cookies would be the perfect fun activity for us all. Jamie prepared a large batch of cookie dough the night before, so we were all set for some baking magic when the Kelly family arrived. After Sarah, Emma, Austin, and Lizzie donned their aprons, everyone got their hands covered with flour, as we rolled out the dough and began using our myriad of cookie cutters. Cookie sheets rotated into and out of the ovens, as the pile of baked cookies grew. Next we moved into the dining room, where colored icing and sprinkles had been prepared for decorating. The artistry of children is always an amazing sight, and this evening was no exception. Their mom, Jo, even added her touch of whimsy to the festivities. Of course the best part came at the end, as cookies were gobbled up by everybody. Finally, it was time for the Kellys to retire to the Braeburn Cottage, where we had a 4-foot Christmas tree waiting for them to decorate with some of our traditional family ornaments. We hope that we gave this delightful family some lasting holiday memories of their time at the Apple Bin Inn... we'll certainly remember our time with them fondly. Happy holidays to our family, friends, and guests, wherever in the world they may be!