This summer marks the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, the pivotal battle of the Civil War. This turning point in our nation's greatest struggle took place July 1-3, 1863. Abraham Lincoln's immortal Gettysburg Address was delivered on November 19, 1863 to commemorate a portion of the battlefield as a national cemetary, to honor those who "gave the last full measure of devotion". The commemoration of the battle will involve many events in Gettysburg between June 28 and July 7, 2013, plus additional events November 17-24. To see a full list of events, click here for the official Gettysburg Commemoration website. If you've never visited Gettysburg, you are in for an awe-inspiring experience... and if you've visited the battlefield before, this will be the perfect time to see it again in a whole new light.
So where will you stay? Finding a room around Gettysburg during each year's July 4th anniversary weekend is always a challenge, but this year it will be almost impossible. But don't worry... you can still experience the 150th Commemoration, and also enjoy the many sights and attractions around Pennsylvania Dutch Country... just plan your stay at the Apple Bin Inn, in the heart of Lancaster County! We're located within an easy 75 minute drive from Gettysburg, and within minutes of all Lancaster County activities. We will be welcoming many Civil War buffs who are here for the Gettysburg festivities, and we even have a special section filled with Civil War books in our extensive library. So come spend a few days at the Apple Bin Inn, and enjoy all that south central Pennsylvania has to offer!
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